Spoleto to host wines in the world

| Thu, 05/17/2007 - 05:41

Although best known for hosting the Festival of Two Worlds, this medieval city in the Umbrian hills will host the third edition of Wines in the World, a unique meeting place for the consumer and the producer.

Staged during the first weekend in June, the event celebrates the appreciation of fine wines through a multitude of tastings along with numerous forums and debates.

An estimated 150,000 people are expected to take part in the three-day event which will see over 250 winemakers present their production with 30,000 bottles set for tasting.

Aside from putting their noses into glasses, visitors will be able to participate in a host of discussions, including one on wine and olive oil in European civilization.

For the second year in a row, Spoleto will hold a 'White Night' during which activities - including tastings, art shows, concerts and stage productions - will be staged throughout the night.

There will also be the traditional charity auction with over 30 collectors' wines being put on the block, the proceeds going to the Communita' di Sant'Egidio, a worldwide Catholic community of more than 40,000 members who work for the cause of peace in more than 60 countries around the globe.

The sponsors of Wines of the World include the Premier's Office and Culture Ministry, the region of Umbria and the municipalities of Perugia, Orvieto, Montefalco and Torgiano, as well as Spoleto.
