St Francis relic unmasked

| Thu, 09/06/2007 - 03:24

Italian scientists have used new technology to unmask a relic of St Francis of Assisi as a fake.

Researchers from Florence's Nuclear Technology for the Cultural Heritage (LABEC) lab trained a beam of low-energy particles across carbon-14 atoms taken from a tunic venerated in one of Florence's most famous churches, Santa Croce.

The carbon-14 dated the fabric to the end of the 13th century, more than 70 years after the saint's death.

However, another tunic and a pillow on which the saint is believed to have died - preserved in a church in the Tuscan town of Cortona - were dated to the saint's lifetime (1181-1226).

LABEC has pioneered the use of particle physics in cultural sleuthing.

"With the use of the accelerator, we are able to make do with much smaller bits of cloth than is usual with such dating," said LABEC chief Pier Andrea Mando'.

Franciscan authorities said they were "happy" with the results of the study.

LABEC recently used their particle accelerator to unravel the painting secrets of Leonardo da Vinci and Antonello da Messina.

The lab often works with art historians to analyse and date paintings.

St Francis is probably Christianity's best-loved saint.

A famous mystic, he is the patron saint of animals and the environment.

Along with St Catherine of Siena, he is patron saint of Italy too.
