Taormina's Ancient Theatre scene of in staff shortage row

| Thu, 07/05/2007 - 05:18

Sicilian cultural heritage workers protested against staff shortages on Wednesday by blockading the famous ancient Greek theatre in the clifftop town of Taormina near Mount Etna.

Some 100 workers responsible for curating and protecting Sicily's archaeological sites converged on the amphitheatre, which is perched on the side of a cliff overlooking the sea, forcing it to shut up shop for tourists.

The workers blocked the entrance to the theatre, with some of them chaining themselves to the railings outside.

They vowed to continue their protest until Thursday morning.

The 5,000-seat theatre is one of the most celebrated ancient monuments in Sicily on account of its remarkable state of preservation and its location.

But workers responsible for looking after the site say they are too few to guarantee reasonable opening hours and the monument's safety.

Trade unions said the same was true for Sicily's other archaeological sites and demanded that the regional government hire more staff.

"Not only would this ensure that the sites are accessible to the public but it would boost the local economy and create jobs," they said.

The unions said the lack of workers meant that famous sites often had to remain closed in the mornings because only one shift a day could be covered.

Meanwhile, Taormina officials expressed concern that a crowd-pulling show due to be staged in the amphitheatre on Wednesday night would have to be cancelled.

Popular TV and radio personality Fiorello is booked to perform in the theatre for the next three evenings.
