Tuscany has record for most socially responsible Businesses

| Sun, 10/28/2007 - 04:08

Tuscany has record for most socially responsible BusinessesFlash News - 108 area businesses are SA8000 certified - Tuscany is a world record holder of sorts: Of the 881 worldwide businesses certified as SA8000 (Social Accountability), 108 of them are located in the Tuscan region and represent 40% of all SA8000 certified businesses in Italy (a total of 324).

The numbers were presented to the city during a conference on social responsibility for small and mid-sized companies, organized by CRT and CNA Toscana.

A press release reads: "Entrepreneurship is very well received in Tuscany, given its ability to profit from, and contribute to the area.

"Social responsibility is not in conflict with economic development, in fact, it has a positive effect on competitiveness.

"Socially responsible businesses are dynamic, refreshing, are a strong force on the market and have a better ability to communicate their value".
