Two million cars on highways at Christmas

| Thu, 12/20/2007 - 03:29

Two million cars on highways at ChristmasSome six million Italians will be using their cars to travel during the Christmas and New Year's holidays which will translate into two million vehicles on the national highways, according to the Italian Automobile Club (ACI).

ACI added that the car remains the preferred means of transport for Italians and that this year an Italian family will spend an average of 120 euros to travel with their vehicle .

Pre-holiday traffic is expected to peak on December 22 and 29, both Saturdays, while the post-holiday rush will taker place during the January 4-6 weekend.

In order to ease traffic, the circulation of trucks will be limited to off-peak hours from December 22 through 26 and December 29 and 30.

ACI reminded drivers that in the event of rain the speed limit on Italian motorways drops from 130kph to 110kph.

Before traveling, ACI suggested that drivers check the weather forecasts, antifreeze levels, tire pressure and other automobile functions including directional signals and breaks.
