UFO sightings in Basilicata and Puglia (VIDEO)

| Mon, 07/20/2009 - 04:33

Maria was certain that what she saw the 18th night in the skies of Acarenza was something out of the ordinary. A light that moved about in sudden movements and with high speed.

While last June UFO sightings in Basilicata where dismissed as meteorites this time round, Maria Lucia Pietragalla is very sure this was not a meteorite.

She told the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno (a newspaper of the South of Italy) that she was sleeping when her five year old son woke her up asking for water. It was very hot, so once up she decided to go to the balcony to get some fresh area. The sky was beautiful, without any clouds and full of stars. That is when she notices a strange light - it left her stunned.

She run back into the bedroom and grabbed her mobile phone and managed to film it.

The whole thing lasted about five minutes.

When she spoke to friends and family about it they initially laughed - but after they saw the film they began having doubts.

This is not the first time similar accounts were given from Basilicata and Puglia and there are several films on YouTube that show a light behaving in the same way Maria describes.

Have you ever noticed something like this?
