Vatican 'may go on Facebook'

| Sat, 01/24/2009 - 03:09

The Vatican may go on Facebook, its social communications chief said after the pope's debut on Youtube Friday.

''I'm thinking about it. We have opened a discussion about it but we haven't decided anything yet,'' said Msgr Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication.

Celli's No.2, Msgr Paul Tighe, noted that the American bishops association is already on Facebook.

The Vatican on Friday released Pope Benedict XVI's message for the World Day for Social Communications on Saturday, the Feast of St Francis of Sales, patron of journalists.

In his message, the pope called for Web access to be open to all and warned against dangers including Web porn, isolation and obsession.

Celli said he was ''sure'' the pope surfed the Web.
