Voter preference epolls unchanged

| Sat, 03/22/2008 - 04:08

The center-right coalition's lead over the center left for next month's election remained relatively unchanged this week, the most recent opinion polls showed.

According to the SWG research group, the conservative People of Freedom (PDL) coalition, allied with the Northern League in the north and and the centrist MPA in the south, has 43% of voter preference, compared to 42.5-43% ten days ago.

The center-left Democrats (PD), who are allied with ex-Clean Hands prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro's Italy of Values (IDV) party and have members of the Radical party on their ticket, currently have 38% of voter preference, as opposed to 38-38-5% in SWG's previous poll.

The Left Rainbow party increased its popularity in ten days from 6-7-7% to 7.5%, while no variations were recorded for the Christian Democrat Union of Center (UDC) (5.5%), The Right (2.5%), The Socialist Party (1%) and other smaller formations.

A poll by the Crespi Ricerche group gave the PDL a lead of 7.5%, 43.9% compared to 36.4%, with the UDC at 6%, The Left Rainbow at 6.5%, The Right at 4% and Socialists with 2%.

According to the Demopolis organization, the PDL coalition has 44% of voter preference, the PD-IDV 37.5%, The Left Rainbow 7.5%, the UDC 6% and The Right 2.5%.

Demopolis also found that among voters under the age of 35 the PDL coalition's support fell to 41% while the PD's popularity rose to 39.5%, and The Left Rainbow's jumped to 9%.

The UDC slipped to 5.5% and The Right rose to 3.5% in the under-35 group.

The PD was the preferred choice for voters with a university degree, 44% compared to 39% for the PDL, while the PDL was much stronger among entrepreneurs and the self-employed, 60% against 31% for the PD.
