Warning to travellers - always double-check your satellite navigation instructions

| Sat, 07/25/2009 - 04:57

A Swedish couple eager to visit the beautiful island of Capri, an island off the coast of Naples, ended up in Carpi - a delightful but far less glamorous little town in the province of Modena and miles away from any sea.

The couple started on the journey early yesterday morning from Venice - deciding that Capri would be their next stop in their Italian holiday.

They inserted the information in their satnav system - making just one small spelling mistake. Instead of Capri they inserted Carpi. They then proceeded to faithfully follow the instructions for the next seven hours and ended up in a city centre.

Although they did not notice crossing any bridges or any sea during their journey they simply thought that Capri may have some sort of road connecting it with the mainland.

The mistake only became apparent to them when they went to the local tourist information office and asked for directions to Capri's famous Grotta Azzura (pictured). The Carpi tourist guides initially thought that the Swedish couple must be after some restaurant called "Grotta Azzura". After several exchanges - and finally an english translator - they realised the tragi-comic mistake.

The couple was in Carpi - in the north of Italy, close to Modena - and not Capri, in the South. They were left with no option but to proceed - this time with human-provided instructions - towards Capri although they did take a moment to appreciate the beauties of the Piazza dei Martiri that Carpi offers!

What are your tales of satellite navigation disasters while on holiday?
