Wine: fifty years of Sorbaiano

| Thu, 05/15/2008 - 03:55

Sorbaiano's 50th birthday brings a change in image. The Montecatini Val di Cecina winery celebrates its anniversary by changing its graphic style for its labels, including Rosso delle Miniere, Sorbaiano Rosso Doc, Pian del Conte, Sorbaiano Bianco Doc, Lucestraia, Vinsanto Montescudaio and Febo.

Consumers decided the new white background by participating in an online survey created by Fattoria di Sorbaiano. Participants could choose from three label backgrounds: white (46%), black (35%) and violet (19%).

Grazia Piccolini of Fattoria di Sorbaiano said, ''The idea to ask for a small amount of help from those passionate about wine to chose a new graphic line was innovative. The labels last for a long time and with their contribution we are sure that we made the right choice''.

The new labels and the entire ''I Colori di Sorbaiano'' campaign were created by the noted Florentine ad agency Catoni & Associati (the same one that did the Banca Mps ads with director Giuseppe Tornatore).

According to Mario Catoni of Catoni & Associati, ''The strategic need was to coordinate and make all of the winery's graphics homogenous. It wasn't a restyling, but a complete transformation of Sorbaiano's image. We wanted to create a recognizable identity that highlighted all of the distinctive elements of the brand and originality of the production area''.

''We are really talking about originality, not homogenisation. An innovative graphic language expressed with the white background has shown to greatly impact sales, as we've seen from market tests in wine stores. We made the identity and image of this small, high quality business coincide perfectly''.
