Youtube fears spur woman to report rape

| Thu, 02/07/2008 - 06:09

Police in Sicily Wednesday arrested two men accused of raping a woman and filming her ordeal on their mobile phones.

The woman was raped near the town of Altofonte last August but only spoke up four months later when she heard that the men were planning to turn her into a 'pornstar' by posting footage of the attack on interactive internet video channel YouTube.

The 28-year-old shopkeeper had accepted an invitation to meet ex-boyfriend Benedetto Lo Nigro, also 28, in an isolated zone outside town in the hope that they would be able to rekindle their relationship.

She was driven to the rendezvous by a friend of Lo Nigro, 21-year-old Giuseppe Di Carlo, who dropped her off in his car.

But once the woman was alone with her ex-lover a third man, Giuseppe Lipari, 26, appeared from behind a wall and joined Lo Nigro in raping her, using mobile phones to film the attack.

Once the men had finished, they called Di Carlo to come and drive the woman home.

Police arrested the two men after investigations that began in December when the woman decided to report the crime for fear that footage might surface on the web. The man accused of driving the woman was also arrested.
