11559 AgriSex

i often get a laugh from the names the police use for their major operations here but this one headed the list in my opinion of pertinent but funny descriptions...

anyway they tried setting up a brothel in the countryside here after a place was shut down by the police in Teramo... a private club with lots of extras... located in Basciano...

i suggest a pretty poor choice of locations... as anyone knows that lives here knows that if you do anything much whilst living in the countryside here its widely reported... generally exaggerated and usually far from the truth....

however a huge operation... operation AgriSex took place this week and caught 60 clients, the people that own the place, the people working the place etc etc... due to local gossip alerting the local carbineri.... and hence this den of iniquity in the countryside has now been closed...

anyway a far more relevant point is the fact that il centro who reported this as a front page story carried adverts in their paper regarding their new web site...

just tried it and it is very slick and you can now go back in the archives to 2003...

[url=http://ilcentro.gelocal.it/?edizione=EdRegionale]il Centro | Homepage[/url]

and if you want to read the full story of the Basciano raid then type in the operation name in the search area


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