7736 teramo hosts the russian castelli pottery collection

This collection has been making a bit of a tour ...i think it was at rome...then up in castelli and now the last stage is here in Teramo..

it always suprises me that this small town in the foothills of the gran sasso seems to have such an importance in relation to pottery... anyway i am posting the link to italian information from the newspaper on its dates here ...the where and contact numbers...

it runs until the 31st october and is generally held in the state museum of st petersburg in russia and dates back to the 16th-18th centuries... and is based on a collection by the cszars and ruch merchants of those times
[url=http://ilcentro.repubblica.it/notizie-dal-web/dettaglio/Mostra-itinerante-%E2%80%9CLe-maioliche-di-Castelli%E2%80%9D/2990682?edizione=Teramo]Mostra itinerante “Le maioliche di Castelli” | il Centro[/url]


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