11009 paradise harware store

hi for any one who does not rember hardware stores pre buble pack , this may seem a sad comparison , as acarpenter working inabruzzo repairing and restoring winndows doors and furnature , i would like to pass on the adress of a hardware shop it is called F.LLI DI DONATOit is invia mulino in front of the exit aut PE NORD THE STORE is on three floors and the paradise bit comes in becouse you are incuraged to hunt though the racks of boxes containing every type of hinge window and door fitings going back to before the war loose nails and srews of every shape and size and you can buy only one if thats what you nead and if you take a paten of what you nead they whil help you look . English is spoken ,anorther bonus his brother has atimber yard down the road and is a lot cheaper than the big stores and he allso sells pine panel doors hung in a frame compete whith lock doors are 60 70 80 x 2010 and are about 300$ ihope this is a help to any body looking for od bits and pieces to repair their houses


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