10696 Termine di finanza

The Italian equivalent of the FT, Il Sole 24Ore, is tomorrow (17 Oct 2008) offering a book which attempts to explain (in Italian, naturally!) the global financial crisis. It costs €4.90.

It takes you right up to 12th October this year, and includes a glossary of financial terms, plus information on consumer deposits and their protection, and descriptions and assessments of other consumer investment vehicles.

The articles in the paper are usually clearly written, so for any of you who want to get a quick course in Italian financial speak the book might appeal!

[url=http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/SoleOnLine4/Finanza%20e%20Mercati/2008/10/vademecum-crisi-sole.shtml?uuid=5e2c0c10-9b93-11dd-adcf-7695700521e1&DocRulesView=Libero]Il vademecum della crisi in edicola con il Sole 24 Ore - Il Sole 24 ORE[/url]

Che significa? - Italian Language Queries

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