11857 Thread Hijacking

Why do posters do it ?

There have been 2 very good threads that have been shot - shut down this week.
The JOJO, Ryan air charges, and Auntie P.

In Jojos case, there were some very funny additions to the charges announcements, but this was jumped on by several members, who had clearly not read the whole thing, if they had they would have seen the extras Jojo had so cleverly added.

Auntie P, well what can be said about this valuable free service, that has now gone into the wind……………..I for one will miss, and would have used it a lot.

Why do members shot down these threads, is it the British sickness……..if something’s good or new, just knock it?

If they were to make these comments face to face in bar, the chances are they would get bounced out on there butts, they know this, but think they can do on the WWW.

I think that posters should think ……………long and hard………..before rubbishing or trying to hijack someone else’s posts.

That’s my 2 cents worth…………………..apart from , Jojo, please keep making me laugh, and Auntie P, I keep reading these posts and start laughing …….any advise please?

PS ........Nice work Marc

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