9896 Petritoli: Festa de Le Cove Car Boot Sale
12th and 13th of July..........everybody is welcome to come to this festival.......anybody interested in putting a stall together can contact me- obviously asap.
Brief history: Petritoli has 2 main festivals: Festa de Le Cove in July and La Festa della Madonna in August. Once upon a time the Festa della Madonna was paid for by the population. The town folk gave cash and the country folk gave GRANO which was then sold to the mill. On the day that the country folk came to donate their offerings the sequence of events was that each contrada (country quarter) arrived with its offering which was taken to the church and blessed and they then took over the village for the evening ie the posh town folk had to stay away.
So basically the festival re-enacts this history with costumes galore and quite amazing floats depicting country life in times gone by.
Obviously there is the usual food on offer and a market which this year has a second hand theme.
I will put up time details tomorrow but it is basically a 4-5 pm start each evening.
Jo Williams
[url=http://www.southernlemarche.com]LE MARCHE[/url]
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