10289 Google map directions/GPS coordinates to festivals/sagre in Tuscany

I want share with you a new web site, [URL="http://www.toscanaetirreno.com"]Toscana e Tirreno[/URL], which was recommended to me that provides directions to feste and sagre in Tuscany using Google maps or GPS coordinates. While the main web page has designations for English or Italian, the information about the feste and sagre in Tuscany is in Italian only.

This web site has a tourist blurb on each of the 10 provinces of Tuscany and the weather forecast. At this time, it only lists 2 months of feste and sagre in Tuscany at a time: current month and the next month.
Under Events, for example, when you click on some month (and in this case, it is either August or September), it will display a listing for many feste and sagre in all of Tuscany. When you go to the month of September, at the bottom of the listing is a breakdown of events by province.

The folks at [URL="http://www.toscanaetirreno.com/en"]Toscana e Tirreno[/URL] are adding content frequently and it appears to be a good resource for those individual traveling to and living in Tuscany. I have added this link to my blog entry titled, [URL="http://moving2italy2.blogspot.com/2008/05/info-on-events-and-festivals-feste-or.html"]Info on Events and Festivals (feste or sagre) in Tuscany[/URL].

BTW, while you may have directions and/or GPS coordinates to the location (read city, town, village) of the specific festa or sagra, once you get there, usually my wife or I will ask a local walking down the street the question, "Dove festa/sagra?" -- where is the festival or sagre? My wife and I have attended at least a dozen plus events this summer and except for 2, we had to ask the question, Dove festa/sagra? to someone or drove around the town to find it.
By going to a festa or sagra, not only do you have the opportunity on sampling the local foods and wine but you will/may meet some Italians who live in the community and share a meal together.

Eat & Drink

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