6954 tempomat... work exchange programme in italy

maybe for some of you in Italy that have more time than money... or just have a useful skill that you might like to exchange for something you do not really want to have to pay for or even just bored and want to do something within the community...whatever....

heres a link to the broad issues of a system that allows you to issue invoices and checks for work you do in exchange for other services or work done for you...

[url=http://www.tempomat.it/]TEMPOMAT - Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Banche del Tempo[/url]

the other thing you can do is search on google or whatever and put in the terms "banca del tempo ( your province or comune)" and it might bring up one near you...

even instructions on the main site as to how to start one...

General chat about Italy

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