9098 Fish Replenishment In Italian Waters

I saw this interesting article in Italy Magazine: Italian freshwater fish 'vanishing' | Italy Magazine and I am glad to report that the Bagni di Lucca comune has released a large number of baby fish into its waters to help with the replenishment: [B][I]CONTINUA L'AZIONE DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE COMUNALE PER IL RIPOPOLAMENTO ITTICO DEI CORSI D'ACQUA - 08/03/2008 10.22.00 L’Amministrazione Comunale continuando a perseguire un programma di ripopolamento ittico dei nostri corsi d’acqua che, negli ultimi anni, ha portato ad immettere ingenti quantità di pesce di varie specie ha provveduto in data 01 Marzo 2008, in accordo con l’Amministrazione Provinciale, ad effettuare un lancio di anguille di varie dimensioni a scopo di ripopolamento nel bacino del torrente Lima. Ne dà informazione il consigliere delegato alla caccia, pesca e agricoltura Alceste Citti.[/I][/B] Last November, there was a meeting about this matter, which my husband attended, and it looks as if the locals are also aiming at converting the area into fishing grounds to promote sport activities in Bagni. My husband attended as our watermill is on the Lima and we love to look at the trouts, happily swimming in front of our windows. From time to time we see some fishermen, but I do hope that the trouts will be smart enough not to bite. They look so lovely swimming in the river! By the way, does anyone know wheather they can be fed? What about giving them some breadcrumbs? Possibly, they would eat them, but... is it bad for them? I would love to be able to feed them from my window. Going back to the main topic of replenishment of species, it is very important for the environment and any moves in that direction should be applauded. Good on you, Bagni!

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