Japanese couple says "Grazie ma no" to Italian Tourism Minister invitation

| Fri, 07/31/2009 - 04:37

In a short and polite reply the Japanese couple that was presented with a bill of 695 euro at a Roman restaurant declined the Tourism Minister's invitation to come back to Italy.

The reason: "because it is a pointless waste of Italians taxpayers money".

Yasuyuki Yamada, a 35 year old Japanese, asked to pay 695 Euro at the restaurant "Il Passetto" of Rome, went on to say that the bad experience at one restaurant did not ruin his Italian holiday - from which he has fond and positive memories as well.

"People that try to trick you exist all over the world", he says. And he goes on to say that he hopes to come back to the country but on his own expenses. "The next time" - he explained to the ANSA news agency - "I want to visit the Vatican in more detail, return to Capri and take in some more of that magnificent panorama".

ITALY Magazine can only say "Bravissimo!" to Yasuyuki - although you may run into some negative experiences that does not mean you should paint the whole experience in a negative colour!
