'Bagliori d'Antichita'' to illuminate baia spas

| Wed, 09/26/2007 - 05:12

Flash News - The ancient spas of Baia are set to be lit up by "Bagliori d'Antichita" ("Ancient Flashes"): the night tours through the Archaeological Park, located north of Naples, begin this Friday.

The initiative, running from Friday to Sunday, reveals to the public one of the most beautiful sites in Campania in a brand new way, enjoying the splendour of the places praised by Horace to show aspects of the life of the ancient people.

Baia - at the time of ancient Rome a residence of emperors and patricians and a centre of gorgeous villas - is today partly underwater due to the bradyseism.

The one-hour route will be travelled by groups of 50 people accompanied by an actor-guide, who interacts with both visitors and personalities emerging from the past, thanks to projections and special effects, creating a striking mix of sounds and lights.

The first stop is Villa dell'Ambulatio, after the introductory performances, the group will visit the Sosandra complex and then proceed to the large garden and continue towards the Mercurio Complex and the Venus Complex.

The offstage voice is that of the actor Luca Ward, who also is one of the most famous Italian dubbers (from Russell Crowe to Antonio Banderas to Hugh Grant).

"Bagliori d'Antichita" follows the guidelines of the new system promoted by the council for Tourism and Culture Sites in the region of Campania in order to develop and promote the regional archaeological and culture sites.

Councillor Marco Di Lello and director general for culture sites in Campania, Vittoria Garibaldi, took part in the official opening of the routes, which will run through the whole month of October.

The project is executed by the Superintendency for culture sites in the provinces of Naples and Caserta and is financed by the region of Campania, with funds from the Regional Operative Programme (ROP) Campania 2000-2006 and the integrated project "Great Culture Attraction Campi Flegrei".
