Campania Region offers free bikes to tourists without cars

| Tue, 07/10/2007 - 05:24

Again this year tourists visiting Campania without a motor vehicle will be provided with a bicycle to tour the region, it was announced on Monday.

The initiative was made possible thanks to a joint effort by the Mediter tour operator and the Italian environment ministry.

The results of the project were examined at a press conference here with Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, the provincial councillor for Agriculture, Francesco Borrelli, and the councillor for tourism, Giovanna Martano.

A statement from Mediter said that "from March 4 to June 30, 650 bikes were lent out to a total of 1,364 tourists, a 16% increase over last year".

The aim of the initiative is to reduce traffic in the most crowded tourist resorts, including Sorrento, Ischia and the Amalfi coast.

"The bicycle is the most useful means of transportation to combat global warming, pollution and cardiovascular diseases," observed Pecoraro Scanio.
