ITALY Food Lovers Event

| Wed, 04/16/2008 - 05:53
The recipes are now online here - have a look and choose your favourite one!

The word Italy is practically synonymous with good food
and ITALY Magazine wants to celebrate that with a regular foodie event.

Italian recipes are countless but we want to hear from you, the people who love Italy, about your favourite Italian recipes. What is it that you prepare at home? Where in Italy did you have that classic "How can this taste so good" moment? What's your secret foodie spot in Italy?

Now, that is quite a lot to go through so we thought rather than have a one-off event we better turn this into a regular feature of the website, each time tackling a specific theme.

While the main purpose of the event is to simply get everyone to share their thoughts on Italian food and recipes, we thought we'd make it just a bit more interesting and actually throw in a prize.

Of course, where there is a prize there needs to be a winner, and for a winner we need a method to choose. The judges are, once again, all of you. We will post all the recipes/stories we get and let the visitors to the website vote on them. We will also invite judges (our travel and food writers) to choose their best stories and tally the votes of the judges to the votes stories get from visitors.

So without further ado we announce the first ITALY Food Lovers Event. With Spring well under way we thought a nice theme to start of this series of events would be "Your Favourite Spring Pasta". Pasta dishes come in all shapes and forms and can often be complicated affairs with many and heavy ingredients. Some of the best pastas however, are the simplest ones which are perfect for Spring. With fresh herbs and simple ingredients they are often very easy to prepare but the variations can be endless.

So sends us your stories and recipes describing your favourite Spring pasta.


Submissions are open now and will close on the 16th of May. On the 17th all the stories will be posted and voting begins! Voting will take place for 3 weeks and then the winner will be announced.

Please send submissions to

Just one last thing - the prize! We will offer the winner a cash prize of £150 (or the equivalent in whatever currency there is in the winner's country) and publish the story in an issue of ITALY Magazine.

(read on for a few guidelines)

A few guidelines:

We are not just looking for a recipe but the story that goes with that recipe. Where did you discover the recipe? Is it your own invention? And we love images - the more the better. The web is an image-driven medium and a beautiful picture of a dish or a place is really often worth more than a thousand words.

To start with you don't need to worry about very high quality images because we will only post them on the website. If the story gets selected for publication in the magazine then we may come back to ask for higher quality images.

We only ask for permission to post the story on our website and magazine but. You retain copyrights for any other media outlet outside ITALY magazine.

We are happy to publish a small bio of the author (no more that 30-50 words) if that sort of thing is of interest to you.

If you already have a blog where you post your recipes regularly you can post it there. We will need to re-post your story on to enable voting and will provide a clear link back to your food blog.