Prize horse stolen

| Wed, 06/18/2008 - 03:18

A champion ex-harness racer worth millions of euros at stud was stolen Monday night from one of Italy's top stud farms.

The owner of the stud farm near Imola, Marco Folli, told ANSA he had not received threats or ransom requests.

Police said they believed the horse, Daguet Rapid, had been stolen for reasons yet to be established and was not being held for ransom.

The thieves made off with the valuable animal after forcing the locks at the entrance to Folli's farm and on the horse's stall, police said.

''It's bad,'' Folli told ANSA.

Daguet Rapid won big races in Italy and France including the Italian derby in 2003 before being put out to stud two years later.

His offspring have already been successful in France and Italy.

An expert told ANSA Daguet Rapid - son of mile record holder Pine Chip - was worth anything between 2.5 and four million euros.

Folli's stud is one of Italy's leading producers of champion livestock.
