Veal? Sarah Brown says "No grazie!"

| Mon, 07/13/2009 - 06:01

Large international meetings carry with them all sorts of complications from resolving world hunger to what goes on the menus of the guests. With a G8 in Italy and Silvio Berlusconi trying to rebuild his image after the many revelations of past weeks all details had been carefully planned so as to make sure everyone goes home satisfied and impressed by what Italy can do. What they failed to take into account, however, is Sarah Brown's dislike of veal.

Sarah Brown, the wife of the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, has had to decline veal dishes twice and made that publicly known through a Twitter message:

"Am hoping that no veal served at lunch again today - have declined it twice this trip as just feel very strongly about it"

Her dislike of veal stems from her objection to the way calves are raised, closed in cages and fed a diet of milk to keep their flesh white, which is cruel and inhumane. While sensibilities in the UK are quite high on these issues - with the RSPCA campaigning against white, "european", veal for some time in Italy public opinion is much less informed. A look at Italian regulations, however, reveals that rules include some consideration towards creating the best possible environment for calves including allowing space for them to freely move, natural lighting, etc.

Sarah Brown did not go without food, nonetheless. She had the chance to enjoy lots of the specialities coming out of the L'Aquila G8 kitchen, including crunchy bacon from Paganica, salt cod with extra virgin olive oil, crushed potatoes and roasted peppers, a liquid cake of peas with fresh tomatores and sheep's cheese, hot and cold chocolate with fennel, specially made bread with Solina flour green pea ice cream (which Sarah Brown pronounced "delicious").
