User Activity
adriatica replied to a question: common assumptions undone with: "if you read carefully"
adriatica replied to a question: windows with: "i would suggest if allowed"
adriatica replied to a question: house build with: "i also got surprised by my"
adriatica replied to a question: rain with: "disaster at the kennels alba adriatica"
adriatica replied to a question: Certificato di agibilita with: "Le nuove"
adriatica replied to a question: Ciao a Tutti - or should I say Miaow a tutti! with: "welcome"
adriatica replied to a question: Balcony canopies-tende da sole- Liguria with: "fairly simple"
adriatica replied to a question: New Forum with: "takes a while"
adriatica replied to a question: method/system to insulate and finish new construction flat concrete roof in sicily with: "problems with simple"
adriatica replied to a question: cleaning costs with: "establish limits"