User Activity
Annec replied to a question: Lasagne - right ingredients! with: "Da Nella in Comunanza used to"
Annec replied to a question: A Useful Read When Thinking of Moving to Italy with: "I'm trying to put my"
Annec replied to a question: A message to Miss Italy 2009 from an Irish Romantic. with: "Comment on Miss Italy"
Annec replied to a question: Italian-American searching for information with: "Good Luck Tom, and use this"
Annec replied to a question: Ciao, amici italofili with: "And am I to understand that"
Annec replied to a question: tips for driving to Italy in an ancient camper van with: "Inspriational"
Annec replied to a question: South vs North with: "Read Annie Hawes..."
Annec replied to a question: I'll start then... with: " Thanks piano - Alfredo"
Annec replied to a question: Recent arrivals in Le Marche with: "Hi Tork I presume you've"
Annec replied to a question: Delivery Orders for July with: "Might be of interest"