User Activity
sebastiano replied to a question: Who will lead the left? with: "x Ram...."
sebastiano replied to a question: Moving to Italy with: "moving to italy from australia"
sebastiano replied to a question: Paying electricity bills with: "direct debit"
sebastiano replied to a question: gabion (Gabbione?) with: "gabbione"
sebastiano replied to a question: Basic needs of man: WATER! with: "water"
sebastiano replied to a question: Anyone got any views on whether Piemonte region is better than Emilia Romania in terms of living and working with: "WOW."
sebastiano replied to a question: how's the accounting system in italy? with: "accounting."
sebastiano replied to a question: Sibillini-walking and agriturismi with: "walking in the sibillini"
sebastiano replied to a question: Anyone heard of this " starting 1st Jan thare are new rules for the services among european countries". Unable to add body so can't elaborate yet! with: "interested"
sebastiano replied to a question: Do Italian plumbers understand thermal stores? with: "heating systems"