User Activity
Ugo replied to a question: Hi, we've recently moved to Apulia with: "urbi et orbi , no problem :)"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi there. My husband and I bought a with: "see >> http://www.lifeinitaly"
Ugo replied to a question: Do you pay INPS on rental income?I' with: "if you bought your home in"
Ugo replied to a question: Codice FiscaleHi, We have a holiday with: ""
Ugo replied to a question: Land purchase. We have a small with: "buy from a church , is many"
Ugo replied to a question: Hello,I'm in the process of buyong a with: "corretto"
Ugo replied to a question: We will be arriving in Ancona from with: "Because do no try Ancona > "
Ugo replied to a question: Buongiorno a tutti, I need help in with: "Read > http://www"
Ugo replied to a question: Hello community., I am great fan of with: ""
Ugo replied to a question: Hello,My husband and I are considering with: "Hi ,"