And the winner is...

| Tue, 11/24/2009 - 03:29

If you had to choose the rock star of the year on the basis of outrageous lifestyle, who would you vote for?
Ozzy Osbourne, Jackson, Jagger, Keith Richards? Amy Winehouse [for let us not be sexist here] or Madonna, perhaps? All of these, along with Rod Stewart, the late Brian Jones and the rest would seem mere amateurs in the art of scandal-creation to the editorial staff of Rolling Stone Italia, who have unanimously bestowed the title upon Silvio Berlusconi for “una carattere e temperamento decisamente rock” [a decidedly rock character and temperament] and “uno stile di vita degno dei migliori rockstar” [a lifestyle worthy of the greatest rock stars].

The December issue of the magazine, out today, carries a cover image of a laughing Berlusconi against the background of the Italian flag and this has already caused an internet frenzy. The image, by Shepard Fairey, the street artist responsible for the famous red, white and blue Obama, looks set to enter twenty-first century iconography.

Italy Magazine readers hardly need reminding of the Italian Premier’s turbulent “rock and roll” year and more trouble looms today as Patrizia D’Addario, the escort who allegedly attended a party at Mr Berlusconi’s Rome mansion, publishes a book entitled Gradisca, Presidente, a reference to Fellini’s 1973 sex comedy Amarcord in which the leading lady is called Gradisca.

Perhaps more seriously for the Prime Minister, former President Ciampi yesterday expressed grave concerns about Mr Berlusconi’s intention to bring in legal reforms which would “time out” trials involving him.

Rolling Stone Italia editor Carlo Antonelli says that the magazine has no political leanings or agenda. President Obama came second in the voting and Pope Benedict third, for his recording of chants and litanies. Mr Berlusconi was, after all, at one time a cruise ship crooner and can also claim to have penned a few songs.

Do you think Berlusconi deserves this title?
