Auguri! Rome Turns 2764

| Thu, 04/21/2011 - 11:10

According to legend, Rome was founded on 21 April in 753 BC, making today Rome’s 2764th birthday.

The legend has it that after coupling with the god Mars, a Vestal Virgin gave birth to twins. Since virginity was an essential requirement of the office, the reigning Etruscan king ordered that the twins be killed. The slave tasked with murdering the babies instead abandoned them by the river Tiber. Remus and Romulus, as they came to be called, were discovered on the banks by a she wolf, who then nursed the twins herself.

When they grew older, the twins decided to found a city but argued over who would become the very first king. In a fit of rage, Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself. The first bricks were laid on Palatine hill on 21 April 753.

To celebrate the 2764th anniversary of Rome’s founding, the modern city has several events planned to honor its ancient past.

Rome's municipal museums are free, and there will be outdoor concerts throughout the city. Historical reenactments will recount the story of Rome’s founding at Circus Maximus.

Finally, Rome is getting an impressive birthday present- a new bridge will be inaugurated in honor of the day. Ponte della Musica, 'Bridge of Music', will link Parco della Musica Auditorium to the Foro Italico sports complex.

Auguri, Rome! Here’s to many more Happy birthdays!
