Today, the Italian Senate voted to expel Silvio Berlusconi from parliament with immediate effect over his conviction for tax fraud. This is the biggest blow to the former Prime Minister's political career as he could now face arrest over other criminal cases having lost his immunity from prosecution. This was breaking news all over the world and here is how it was reported by some of the major international media.
BBC Italy's Senate expels ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi
New York Times Berlusconi Expelled from Senate in Italy
The Wall Street Journal Berlusconi Loses Italian Senate Seat
The Guardian Berlusconi ousted from parliament after tax fraud
El Pais El Senado italiano aprueba la expulsión de Silvio Berlusconi
Le Monde Berlusconi, ou le dernier jour du « Caïman » ?
Faz Berlusconi aus italienischem Senat ausgeschlossen