Butcher pays 5,000-euro fine in pennies

| Sat, 06/06/2009 - 03:10

An angry butcher fined over 5,000 euros by police for displaying his wares in the street paid the penalty in 1, 2 and 5-cent coins as a protest.

Luca Calcagnini from Vernio, near Prato, spent two and a half years collecting 400 kilogrammes of pennies, which he drove to the police station in the back of a van.

''I brought 1,000 euros in notes and 4,040 in small coins and they accepted the payment. I've counted it all, now it's their turn,'' he said.

The butcher was fined three years ago for extending his sales area by placing a table on the street outside his shop.

But Calcagnini disputed the penalty.

''It wasn't even an increase in sales space since it was just an exhibition table. That day I made 200 euros, and I had to pay out 5,000,'' he said.

The butcher began collecting coppers to pay the fine after a justice of the peace rejected his appeal, but he said he still plans to take the case to court.

''I'll keep going, even if it takes ten years''.
