Definitive results for Italy

| Mon, 06/08/2009 - 09:31

The definitive results for Italian parties in the European Parliament elections are as follows (number of votes and percentage):

People of Freedom - 10,778,453 (35.3%).

Democratic Party - 7,989,435 (26.1%).

Northern League - 3,124,577 (10.2%).

Italy of Values - 2,441,500 (8.0%).

Union of the Centre (UDC) - 1,993,242 (6.5%).

Communist Refoundation Party-European Left - 1,035,189 (3.4%).

Sinistra e Liberta' - 952,507 (3.1%).

Marco Pannella-Emma Bonino List (Radical Party) - 740,260 (2.4%).

La Destra-Movimento per Le Autonomie (MPA)-Pensioners' Party - 680,808 (2.2%)

Fiamma Tricolore - 242,909 (0.8%).

Workers' Communist Party - 165,878 (0.5%).

Forza Nuova - 146.061 0,5 SVP 142,465 (0.5%).

Liberal Democrats-Associative Movement of Italians Abroad - 70,909 (0.2%).

Val D'Aosta - 32,855 (0.1%).

Autonomy Liberty Democracy - 27,030 (0.1%).

A total of 32,659,162 Italians (66.5%) turned out to vote.
