Father beats up sex video boys

| Tue, 03/27/2007 - 05:24

An irate father on Sunday hospitalised five youngsters who appeared in a school sex video with his under-age daughter.

The cellphone video of the girl, 12, giving oral sex to one of the five has been doing the rounds of a Como middle school for a week.

Prosecutors have opened an investigation against those of the group who are over the Italian age of consent, 14. These include the five the father beat up.

The father was reportedly out for a Sunday drive with his wife when he spotted the protagonist of the video cycling around this pretty lakeside city with the other four.

He screeched to a halt, leaped out of his car and started hitting the boy, sparking an all-out brawl which soon involved his wife and another father - alerted by phone by one of the alleged culprits.

The five teenagers were taken to a hospital emergency room and treated for minor injuries before being discharged.

The parents of the boys, who say the girl was a willing participant in the video, are considering pressing charges.

The father believes his daughter's story that she was forced into the sex act.
