Ferrari, Peace and Crunchy Roast - Italy's Three Guinness Records

| Fri, 09/25/2009 - 04:02
peace protest

A special 10-year edition of the Guinness Book of Records reserves three places for Italy - Ferrari for an amazing 2004 performance, the largest peace protest and the world's longest roll of porchetta.


Ferrari's Formula 1 team gets a mention for the 262 points gained thanks to Michael Schumacher in the 2004 Grand Prix.

Peace Protest

The record-breaking Peace protest took place on the 15th of February 2003 and it was against the war in Iraq. More than 3 million people peacefully gathered in Rome to protest the war. Italy did not participate in the initial attack but offered support military later on.


The crunchy roast pork delicacy earned a place after a huge 31.08 meter roll was products by Pescara expert Nicola Genobile on the 17th of January of 2009.