Global warming places at risk typical Italian produce

| Wed, 08/12/2009 - 04:08

The rising temperatures are giving farmers and producers of salami and cheeses problems and worries for the future.

Products "Made in Italy" and uniquely identifiable with a specific region such as Sicily's different varieties of olive oil, Calabria's range of salami or Tuscany's wines are at risk of suffering alterations in times of production and taste.

The rising temperatures and the extreme weather conditions are making it harder for producers to re-create the age old process for their products. While the situation is still under control, Coldiretti (Italy's farmers and producers association) is sending out a warning signal for the future. If the temperatures continue to rise then it will be harder to create those speciality products that own their unique flavour to a combination of climate, terrain, people and production processes.

Already rising temperatures are leading to cultivations further towards the North of Italy which were once impossible, such as olive oil production moving as high up as Lombardy.

Action is needed now, Coldiretti, is saying to put in place plans to deal with changes in the future. The good news is that a good part of action means simply placing more emphasis on local production and local production leading to healthier food for all.
