How to Reply to a Wedding Invitation

| Sat, 06/21/2014 - 04:00

An interesting question was asked in our community asking for advice about replying to a formal invitation to a wedding.

We thought this could be useful to many of our readers who have Italian friends and might receive a wedding invitation.

Today, many couples include an email address on the invitation. Traditionally, formal replies to wedding invitations have to be handwritten and replies should never be given by telephone. However, if  you are close friends, then even a simple phone call to accept the invitation will be considered appropriate.  Moreover, in many Italian regions, especially in the South, the invitation is not sent by mail, but delivered in person by the couple, so they are often told in person if the invited guests will be able to attend.

In the specific case in which you received a formal invitation with an RSPV indication, you are required to let the sender of the invitation know, as soon as possible, if you will be attending the ceremony and send a written reply. If the invitation was sent by the bride and the groom, you should address the reply to them, while if the invitation came from the parents of one of the fiancé, then they will be the people to send your reply to.

Below are two options:

[Note: (I) refers to the subject being singular, while (we) indicates the plural version.]

If the invitation was sent by the couple...

Gentilissimi (name of the bride + name of the groom),

é con vera gioia che (I) ho appreso/(we) abbiamo appreso la lieta notizia del vostro matrimonio. (I) Sarò/(we) Saremo lieti di partecipare a questo lieto evento.

(I)Colgo/(we) Cogliamo  l'occasione per ringraziare dell'invito e porgere i (I)miei/ (we) nostri più cordiali saluti.


If the invitation was sent by the parents...

Gentilissimi (name of the parents),

é con vera gioia che (I) ho appreso/(we) abbiamo appreso la lieta notizia del matrimonio di vostro figlio/figlia.

(I) Sarò/(we) Saremo lieti di partecipare a questo lieto evento.

(I)Colgo/(we) Cogliamo  l'occasione per ringraziare dell'invito e porgere i (I) miei/ (we) nostri più cordiali saluti.



Dear (bride and groom) or (parents),

It is with great joy that I/we learned about your wedding (or your son/daughter's wedding). We will be delighted to attend this joyful event.

We thank you for the invitation and wish you all the best.

To know more about a "matrimonio all'italiana", do not miss our Italian Wedding section.