How to say "A"

| Thu, 06/10/2010 - 11:24

The rules for the indefinite article – “a” – are simpler than the ones for the definite article [“the”].

Masculine nouns:

Most masculine nouns use un for “a”.

un libro – a book

un amico – a [male] friend

If the masculine noun begins with gn, ps, z or s plus another consonant, we use uno for “a”.

uno zio

Feminine nouns

Feminine nouns beginning with a consonant use una.

una signora – a woman

Feminine nouns which begin with a vowel use un’.

un’amica – a [female] friend

Now see if you can put the right form of “a” in front of these nouns:

______ giorno

______ ragazza

______ ora

______ pizza

______ università

______ zaino

______ mostro

______ zio

______ albergo

______ gnomo [yes, it means a gnome!]