Italian Museums Close in Protest

| Thu, 11/11/2010 - 03:11

Visitors and art lovers in many Italian cities should prepare for locked doors and disappointment tomorrow. Museums throughout Italy are preparing to shut down on November 12 in protest of budgets cuts imposed by the state. The initiative, called "Closed Doors, Spotlight on Culture," could disrupt visitors at major cultural landmarks.

No stranger to controversy, Berlusconi’s scandal-plagued government has proposed $389 million in cuts to cultural spending over the next three years. Sandro Bondi, the minister of culture, has threatened to resign in face of the massive reductions- $81 million of which would be cut directly from his department.

Andrea Ranieri, a member of the association organizing the protest stated that, “Art is the main core of business in Italy. By cutting the cultural budget, the government risks endangering the future of the country.”

Cultural sites controlled by the state will remain open, but visitors will still find major attractions closed on November 12th. Museums, parks and libraries in tourist cities that are run by cities and communes (such as the MAXXI Museum in Rome) will remain closed as a sign of protest.
