Italian soldier injured in Afghanistan

| Sat, 05/30/2009 - 03:00

An Italian soldier was slightly injured in Afghansitan on Friday when his patrol came under attack in the area of Bala Morgab, defense ministry sources said.
The paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade suffered an injury to his foot and his injury was said not to be serious.
This was not the first time that Italian patrols have come under fore in the same area in western Afghanistan.
Friday's skirmish occurred during a joint operation with an Afghan army patrol, which was also fired upon.
Defense Minister Ignazio La Russia later said that ''our boys reacted professionally... and successfully repelled an a enemy attack''.
''Our troops do a lot and we cannot ask more of them.
They are there to help rebuild and ensure calm as well as to keel terrorism far from out shores,'' he added.
La Russia also said that a member of the Afghan patrol suffered a more serious injury.
The area of Bala Morgab is some two hours from where an Italian military helicopter came under machine-gun fire on Thursday.
The helicopter was carrying General Rosario Castellano, the commander of allied forces in western Afghansitan.
