Italy Magazine Issue 27 - June 2005

| Wed, 05/18/2005 - 14:19

Issue 27"Summer has arrived in its customary style, with temperatures taking a ten-degree jump in a matter of a couple of days. Last week I was in jumpers and still using an electric blanket, now it is 30 C and I’m watering plants, putting up door mosquito curtains and dusting off sunbeds accompanied by the summer sounds of birdsong and tractors. The terrace is a mass of pot plants, vying for attention with those in the garden. Bare trees are now dressed in green, the house martins are back and the geese are sleeping in the shade at noon, only ambling down the field in search of food in the cool of morning or early evening.

This June issue of italy brings some of those summer sights and sounds to you (...)"
Fiona Tankard - Italy Magazine Editor

Read on for the contents of the June Issue or click here to order the issue online


sense of place

Locals get their caffeine fix in Milan's stylish marble-clad Fiorio Café

Sperlonga - small is beautiful

Gillian Price visits this celebrity-studded resort on the Lazio coast and discovers that it was just as popular 2000 years ago

Palermo - Sicily's faded beauty

Always vibrant, always fascinating, Sicily's ambivalent capital is explored by John Heseltine



what's on

Our guide to the most interesting events in Italy in June

Italian insight and news

- from our two regular Italian correspondents

gilding the lily

A strange tradition in Nola, east of Naples, described by Marco Merola

jazz on a summer's day

Italy's foremost jazz festival is a must for Vicki Morrison

Institutions - Scopa

Catherine Ann Lombard is initiated into the mysteries of the Italian card game

book reviews

dual language

Stefano Oreto explains Rome's mysterious 'talking' statues


the first of the summer wine

Let Marc Millon recommends some thirst-quenchers for hot summer days

spirited away

Fleur Kinson explores the bewildering world of Italian liqueurs


Germaine Stafford goes to the Salerno coast to try some mouth-watering
summer dishes


Florence - cradle of modern football

Felix Petrelli uncovers a surprising sporting secret


what's available in... the Sibillini area

Take a look at this part of Le Marche with Monica Bruni


Annunziata Mercuris: owner of the Pavillion Bar, Colle Oppio

Jesper Stogaard Jensen finds an oasis of calm in Rome

the house on the headland

Sue Robinson explores the gardens of Villa Balbianello on Lake Como

Cabbiavoli Castle - a Tuscan paradise

It's seen many changes in its 800 years. Adam Butler visits a magical property near Casterlfiorentino

master of bridal gown

Lorenzo Riva discusses his career with Julia M. Chiarella-Genoni

from British au pair to 'European' resident

Frances Richard tells Catherine Golini how she settled in Italy


Our regular feature by Emma Bird looks at voluntary work

don't take anything for granted

Bureaucracy expert John Murphy takes a first look at getting a grant


day tripper

Follow Martha Guerriero on a quick tour of the northern city of

a ramble along the Amalfi Coast

Mark and Kristen Stebnycky and Gillian Arthur get their walking boots on
