The long and winding road

| Mon, 01/25/2010 - 04:39

It’s been a very long road home for Rocky, a five-year old German Shepherd dog who was stolen while on holiday with his owner when he was two.

His owner, a Syrian man named Ibrahim Fwal who lives in Carrara [Tuscany] was distraught for he and Rocky had been inseparable. Rocky had been particularly fond of riding with his master on his scooter. Over the past three years, Mr Fwal had never stopped looking for Rocky.

Rocky was later either abandoned by his dognappers or escaped from them and was then taken in by a family in Salerno [Campania]. But he kept trying to run away and succeeded in November last year. By following the coast, Rocky walked as far as Pisa where a man found him and contacted the Salerno family. Poor Rocky was in a pitiful state: he was thin and dirty and his paws were blistered.
He was taken to a vet who, through a tattoo on Rocky, was able to contact Mr Fwal.

Dog and master had a joyful and emotional reunion with Rocky nearly knocking Mr Fwal down. After walking 600 kilometres up Italy, Rocky travelled the last 100 in style, back on Mr Fwal’s scooter.
