More etruscan tombs open in Tarquinia

| Wed, 06/30/2010 - 09:15

Besides visiting the National Etruscan Museum and the painted tombs of the Monterozzi Necropolis, visitors to Tarquinia [Lazio] can now participate in a special guided tour called “Colours of the Etruscans”. Other historically important painted tombs have been specially opened for this tour, along with the Scarglini Necropolis in the Archaeological Park.

You can take the special tour until the end of October: Friday, Saturday (16:30) and Sunday (10:00 am) in June, July and August.
Friday, Saturday (15:30 pm) and Sunday (11:00 am) in September and October.

Pre-booking is essential for the tour and for further information you should call:
Claudia Moroni, Tel. [0039] 331.8785257

Pre-booking is not necessary to visit the National Etruscan Museum and the Monterozzi Necropolis, which are open from 08.30 to 19.30 from Tuesday to Sunday. The ticket office closes one hour before the closing of the site.

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Topic: Events