"No Viagra, thanks", says Grandad

| Fri, 10/23/2009 - 04:04

According to the Censis/Salute – La Repubblica Report No 8 published yesterday, 85.8% of Italians aged over 60 are positive about their own lives. The Director of Censis, Giuseppe Roma, presenting the Report in Rome, said that, as we grow older, our minds can remain active although our bodies require more attention. He added that being involved with and interested in others and having a relationship can help us stay healthy and live longer.

In this most romantic of countries, 54.2% of over-sixties interviewed said they were in love, whilst a further 7% stated that they would be ready to fall in love if the right person came along. 20.2% of interviewees thought that sexual relations were important at least until the age of 80, although in different ways from when they were younger. 77.1% of interviewees rejected the idea of using medication to improve sexual performance. The majority of those who felt that sexual relations were of less importance as they grew older said this was for moral reasons or attributed it to lack of opportunity. Only 15% said that biological changes were the reason.

The group were also asked what attracted them to another person and they agreed that their priorities in this respect had changed. The qualities they looked for in another person were:

  • intelligence
  • culture
  • good health
  • values

Favourite activities were:

  • helping their children
  • meeting up with friends
  • going to Mass at least once a week
  • giving money to charities
  • helping less fortunate people
  • spending time on hobbies
  • reading
  • travelling

Interestingly, the Report indicates that people over 60 in the Central North of Italy have made the most new friendships after retirement. La Repubblica attributes this to lifestyles and a political environment that favour the inclusion of the elderly in the social sphere.
