Paris Hilton upsets Italy's gay community (VIDEO)

| Tue, 09/15/2009 - 03:47

Paris Hilton was invited last night as the star guest at an event called "Join the Gap", which was organised by Arcigay Milano at the Borgo del Tempo Perso club.

Arcigay is the national association protecting the rights of gay, lesbians, bisecual and transsexual in Italy.

Ms Hilton caused the ire of the participants because she refused to hold up a sign that called to an end of homophobic behavior. An issue that is particularly relevant right now in Italy as there was a spate of violent attacks on gay couples, especially in Rome.

The sign that Ms Hilton was asked to hold up carried no political affiliations - just calling for a stop to discrimination towards this community.

The anger of the attendants was such that Ms Hilton had to be escorted out of the club. She did try to make up for it by briefly holding the sign on stage, but it was too late.

The Italian GLBT community is asking for Ms Hilton to publicly apologise.

The video below shows the embarrassing moment for the starlet. About half-way through the presenter asks her to hold up a sign which she refuses to do. He then confronts her about it and she ignores him. The result is that the crowd boos Ms Hilton off the stage.

Paris Hilton later published the sign on her twitter feed - but it was all a bit too late.
