Pop-up stars in Arezzo and Treviso

| Thu, 07/01/2010 - 05:44

If you are in Arezzo [Tuscany] here is an exhibition to cheer you up: if you pop into the upmarket menswear shop, “Sugar” you can see a display of pop-up “art stars”, three-dimensional stars created by contemporary European artists.

A similar show at the Lazzari shop in Treviso [Veneto] opens today with pop-up stars created by the Italian artist Fupete, the Paris street artist l’ATLAS and the surrealist Spanish artist Okuda. Lazzarri is an interesting store housed in a thirteenth century building.

“Art stars” is the inspiration of Polo Jeans Co. Ralph Lauren and showcases the work of fifty of Europe’s most recognised new artists in Polo jeans stores across Europe. The theme of the stars is the United States flag and the artists were asked to create their stars using a variety of materials such as American denim and replicas of the flag. They used techniques such as bleaching, dying and embroidery.

Don’t worry if you cannot catch the exhibitions in Italy as all the stars will be shown in London at the end of the year.

Topic: Fashion