Sexy Italian Style Invades Colonial America In New Fiat Ad

In the ad devised for the U.S. debut of the 2014 Fiat 500L, the advertising people of the Italian automaker Fiat have envisioned a scenario where colonial America is invaded by Italians driving red Fiats, playing on the notion of the “Italian who knows how to enjoy life”, more uninhibited and pleasure-loving as compared to the perceived prudery and the politically-correct aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture.
The opening soundtrack has dramatic tones: a character in military clothes spots a cloud of dust in the distance and announces, “The British are coming, the British are coming!”.
But then the sentinel takes a second look through his telescope and realizes that it is not the British, but a tight formation of bright red Italian Fiat 500L.
He quickly mounts his horse and rides through town yelling, “The Italians are coming, the Italians are coming!”
What happens then when the Italians are coming?
Women strip off their bonnets and hoop skirts, revealing cleavage and cocktail dresses, the local pub becomes a club, a table of tea is replaced with cups of espresso… and things expect to get much more fun.
See for yourself here:
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