Sky, Clouds and Angels in Italian Expressions

| Sat, 12/21/2013 - 06:00


While talking to a friend, few days ago, I noticed I was using my full repertoire of idiomatic expressions that involve sky, clouds and angels. We both found it funny and ended up talking about this and forgetting what the initial conversation was about.
So here are some of the expressions we listed:
Grazie al cielo - Thank God
Santo Cielo! - Good heavens!  
Per amor del cielo! -  For heaven's sake!  
Hai la testa fra le nubi - Your head is in the clouds
Non stare ne' in cielo ne' in terra (literally: to be neither on earth nor in the sky) - It does not make any sense/ It is absurd 
Cadere dalle nuvole/nubi (literally: Falling from the clouds) - I don't have a clue
Essere al settimo cielo - To be in seventh heaven/To be over the moon
Toccare il cielo con un dito (literally: To touch the sky with a finger) -  to walk on air 
E' caduto/mandato/sceso dal cielo (literally: Fallen from the sky)- Heaven-sent
Un angelo caduto/mandato/sceso dal cielo ((literally: An angel fallen from the sky)-  Heaven-sent